Crazy Republicans Go Back Into the Woodwork

Palin was their slip showing, and now we’re seeing the whole ugly underbelly of the Republican party. Palin’s trailer trash personal dramas, interwoven with unwed teen pregnancies, teen drop-outs, drug use, despotism, and bullying are all out there in the open, and the embarrassing stories just keep coming. Palin keeps a smiley face pasted on her mug while the carnage goes on around her, just as she did in the surreal turkey-slaughtering episode. McCain is a hero, but we all saw that hair-trigger reactiveness and bad temper that nobody in their right mind wants anywhere near the Oval Office.

But, they aren’t the worst of it. Now all the crazies, fearmongers and naysayers are running wild. Rush Limbaugh’s big mouth appears to be the voice of the Republicans, despite their best efforts to refute that accusation, yet nobody but perhaps the insane Bill-O is coming forward to command the band of wackos. There were faint hopes that Newt Gingrich could be resurrected, but even he turned and bolted back into his hole.

Meanwhile, the gun nuts are buying up all the guns and ammo. Can you say “paranoid”? In case anybody is counting (besides New York’s Governor Patterson), we’ve had over 50 Americans gunned down in paranoia-fueled rampages in this country in the past few months. Fox and their ridiculous talking head idiots have blood on their hands, yet endlessly yammer on and bleat about Obama’s “tyranny” when they’re just being poor losers.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama is doing terrible things– terrible, I tell you. You may remember that President Bush started sending out the first stimulus checks and, gasp, he was just giving out free money! Free– for nothing! Socialism! Communism! The people who happily cashed their stimulus checks and said nothing about Bush essentially throwing money from airplanes are now aghast that President Obama actually wants something for that money. Improving infrastructure, our crumbling bridges, highways, and railroads. Infusing money into schools so strapped for funds that many are cutting the school week to four days. Dramatically changing our health care system so that health care becomes a public asset, like education, police and fire protection, and safe highways. Our health care system is clearly not set up to benefit the American people, but only to suit itself, an obscene disgrace for what was the most prosperous country in the world– until Bush.

Basic education is provided for all Americans, so that makes it “socialized”. Gasp– how awful that every American child, regardless of income or race can actually have a basic education. It’s time the same thing happens with our health care for the common good of our country and our citizens. Like education, police and fire protection.

Obama has been in office less than three months, and already he’s improving our profile in the world, proclaiming Americans to be a principled people who do not condone torture. He’s set up deadlines to get us out of two wars we never should have been in at all– wars that have crippled our economy and killed thousands of our soldiers. He’s being a leader, and his vision is not the vision of the past failed Republican administrations.

So, Republicans, it’s not your turn anymore. Take this time to actually re-group and decide who you want as the face of your party. Despotic, paranoid, gun-toting crazies– or someone reasonable who actually speaks for the conservatives in our country? Instead of promoting paranoia and egging on the wackos holed up in their bomb shelters, or cheering for the new administration’s failure, put your energy into getting your own house in order. And crawl back into the woodwork until you have something to say that isn’t crazy and paranoid.