Drop-outs Bristol and Levi being punished, protected or exploited?

What will happen to Bristol? The soon-to-be married teen mom will give birth a few weeks before her mom plans to move to Washington D.C.

Will Bristol, Levi and baby move with them, leaving all their friends and  family behind, or will Gov. Palin leave without them, so they can “grow up sooner than planned”?

If a kid ever needed her mom to be there for her, this would be the time.

Instead, the KIDS are suffering:

Both kids are pulled from school, sacrificing their senior year for what? The baby isn’t even here yet. The Gov. can squat between the furrows and have her baby, between keynote speeches and cross-country flights, but her daughter can’t go to school when she’s pregnant? 

The Gov. covers up the pregnancy and says the girl has mono, like it’s 1970 again and pregnancy is a disease that someone can catch. Heck, Palin didn’t even tell her own staffers she was having a baby until she was 7.5 months along….

The teen father is a hockey star. He can’t play hockey and be a dad? The Gov. can have FIVE kids, including a special needs newborn and still be a mom, so please explain the difference.

Are we PUNISHING the kids for getting pregnant by pulling them out of school? PROTECTING them from the public eye? Wasilla High School is where their friends and support system are. They aren’t being protected by being kept out of school.

If they want to protect these kids, why put them in the public eye so their MySpace page, meant for their teen FRIENDS is plastered all over MTV’s webpage? (Oh, that’s right– Obama made MTV do it. And I suppose it’s his fault that the media stalks Britney Spears, too?)

Now, the kids that Palin begs for us to “leave alone” will be publicly paraded around in Palin’s entourage, expected to sit up straight, slap a happy face on a very scary situation, and not mess things up for Mommy.

Mommy Palin is still Sarah Barracuda. Only now, her kids are in her way. So, they’ll give it a good try, bless their hearts. But, they shouldn’t have to be pregnant teens in a fishbowl. On stage on TV, waving the flag for Mommy Barracuda Palin.

Hothead McCain strikes again!

Hothead McCain gets huffy and cancels Larry King interview after CNN reporter Campbell Brown’s questioning of McCain spokesperson, Tucker Bounds. When asked what decisions Palin had made as leader of Alaska’s National Guard, Tucker Bounds sputtered, changed the subject and, ultimately, couldn’t perform. Here’s the interview.

So, what does Hothead McCain do? Takes his toys, stomps off, and refuses to be interviewed. Is that how he reaches across the aisle?

If he can’t handle an interview with Larry King when he isn’t happy, how will he handle dealing with high pressure international situations?

McCain shows his colors time and time again, and it isn’t pretty.