Bristol and Levi’s Wedding

So, when’s the Big Day for Bristol Palin and the First Baby Daddy, Levi Johnston? Lemme see– if the First Grandbaby is due in December, they’d better get busy pretty quick, since the Palin babies seem to come a month early.

To please her evangelical base, the First Shotgun Wedding should happen before the baby gets here, so the baby won’t be the First Bastard. Before the November 4th election would bring her some votes in Florida and Ohio. Palin and the First Dude went to the city clerk without telling their parents, even grabbing a couple of senior citizens from the nearby retirement home to be their witnesses.

So, why not march those kids down to the courthouse and make an honest girl out of Bristol? Is Levi remembering that he actually doesn’t want kids, as he said on his Facebook profile?

Are they waiting instead to make a tasteful political event, when McCain’s ratings need it the most? Will they sell the photo rights to TMZ or People Magazine to fund the baby’s college fund? Or maybe, the First Teen Parents’ college funds?

Where will the First Teen Parent Couple live after they’re married? At his parents’ home– or hers? The baby will be due shortly before the First Grandma and the First Grand-Dude plan to move to Washington, D.C.

Will the First Teen Parents move with them to D.C., or will the First Grandma move 4,312 miles away just when her oldest daughter needs her mom the most?

Is Bristol really in school in Anchorage or is she “home schooled”? By whom? Sarah apparently can’t govern without the First Dude, but apparently the kids don’t need their parents between now and November 4th? Why pull Bristol out of school in Wasilla where all her friends and support system are, and when her parents and Baby Daddy Levi live in Wasilla? Why separate Levi and Bristol?

Babies with Down Syndrome need lots of therapies in their first months, and getting schlepped around the country from one speaking engagement to another doesn’t leave time for Baby Trig to receive those.

It looks to me like it’s all about Sarah First. Everybody else gets in line, and everybody else’s needs come after her political ambitions.

Meanwhile, she’s hoping to position herself in such as way to limit our parenting choices. She wants us to leave her kids alone, but she wants to decide what we do with ours….